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Philosophy & Economics of Bitcoin

Andrew M. Bailey, Bitcoin Policy Institute

Week 10: Externalities

Lecture: The Splash Zone

Key Themes

Focal Readings

Secondary Readings


  1. 100 words or less: in your own words, explain why externalities loom so large, when evaluating a monetary system from behind the veil.
  2. 100 words or less: suppose bitcoin mining rigs command a non-zero price on secondary markets after several years of heavy use; what does this imply about bitcoin e-waste concerns?
  3. 100 words or less: why does objectivity matter, in a blockchain consensus mechanism?
  4. 100 words or less: do alleged positive social externalities, in your opinion, make up for bitcoin’s negative environmental externalities? Why or why not?
  5. 125 words or less: prepare exactly two critical discussion questions about any of the focal readings. For each question, be sure to include a specific quotation or citation to indicate how the readings prompt it, and one sentence about why it matters.



Friday 22 March
Readings Read Chapter 10 carefully and in its entirety.
Reflections Complete one of Reflections 1-2 and one of Reflections 3-5, and submit by midnight before class.
Tuesday 26 March
Readings Read the Mora et al. and Read selections carefully and in their entirety.
Practicum Assignment Complete one of the practicum assignments (your choice); post your findings to our Practicum document by midnight before class.