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Philosophy & Economics of Bitcoin

Andrew M. Bailey, Bitcoin Policy Institute

Week 5: Bitcoin and Monetary Institutions

Lecture: Non-State Money

Key Themes

Focal Readings

Secondary Readings


  1. 100 words or less: describe the distinction between a monetary policy and a monetary institution, and illustrate each with an example. Be as concrete and specific as you can.
  2. 100 words or less: does bitcoin effectively reduce trust in monetary institutions? Why or why not?
  3. 125 words or less: describe the difference between a quantity guarantee and a price guarantee. In what ways do traditional sovereign currencies carry out a price guarantee (it may help to speak to one in particular)? In what sense does bitcoin make no price guarantee, and how would it have to change in order to credibly make one?
  4. 100 words or less: prepare exactly two critical discussion questions about any of the focal readings. For each question, be sure to include a specific quotation or citation to indicate how the readings prompt it, and one sentence about why it matters.



Tuesday 13 February
Readings Read Chapter 5 carefully and in its entirety.
Reflections Complete any one of Reflections 1-3 and Reflection 4, and submit by midnight before class.
Friday 16 February
Readings Read the remaining focal readings in their entirety, but skim judiciously.
Practicum Assignment Complete both practicum assignments and bring your findings to class.