Errata reports are welcome. Please direct them to or @resistancemoney on Twitter. Let us know if you’d like credit for your correction; each bug report is an entry in a sats giveaway to take place in August, 2024.
Chapter 1:
Page 2, “Snowcrash” should be “Snow Crash” (@thlbr)
Page 7, “which levels they’ll pull” should be “which levers they’ll pull” (@bitcoinpup)
Chapter 3:
Page 58, “governmental degree” should be “governmental decree” (@sf_hodl)
Chapter 4:
Page 75, the first (rather than subsequent) lines of each paragraph should be indented.
Chapter 6:
Page 122, “mow his law” should be “mow his lawn” (@sf_hodl)
Page 124, should be “almost 120,000 bitcoin” (it’s 119,756)
Page 128, “users can pool money into glob” should be “users can pool money into a glob” (@sf_hodl)
Page 128, “Bitcoin from old” should be “bitcoin from old”; “Bitcoin on the other” should be “bitcoin on the other”
Chapter 7:
Page 146, “Kayne West” should be “Kanye West” (@sf_hodl)
Page 160, “This second list might be frighteningly small too – maybe empty as well. And behind the veil, the smaller these lists, the more reason you have to prefer a world with uncensorable money.” should be “This second list will likely be non-empty and might be frighteningly long. And behind the veil, the shorter the first list and the longer the second list, the more reason you have to prefer a world with uncensorable money. (@thelanguagelife)
Page 161, “We’ve argued that a perfectly censorable money” should be “We’ve argued that a perfectly uncensorable money” (@thelanguagelife)
Chapter 8:
Page 179, “When financial inclusion prevents people” should be “When financial exclusion prevents people…” (@DcentralizedPwr)
Chapter 9:
Page 199, “But we should also these numbers” should be “But we should also put these numbers” (@sf_hodl)
Page 201, “pour over” should be “pore over” (@trbouma)
Chapter 10:
Page 217, “Moral et al.” should be “Mora et al.” (@sf_hodl)
Page 226, “anti-sybill” should be “anti-sybil” (@sf_hodl)
The entry for EFF (2017), and the reference to it on page 167n29 should be: Electronic Frontier Foundation (2017).
The entry for Selgin, G. (2010) should be: Selgin, G. (2010). Central Banks as Sources of Financial Instability. Independent Review 14(4):485-496. (@georgeselgin)
The entry for Selgin, G., & White, L. (2005) should be: Selgin, G., & White, L. (2005). Credible Currency: A Constitutional Perspective. Constitutional Political Economy, 16, 71-83. (@georgeselgin)
The UNTAD (2022) on page 112n19 should be: United Nations Trade and Development (2022), and the accompanying bibliographical entry should be: United Nations Trade and Development (2022). Trade and Development Report: Development Prospects in a Fractured World.
Page 310, “Monero 126, 156, 174, 239, 281” should be “Monero 126, 156, 239, 274, 281”